Saturday, August 28, 2010

SeeBS News: Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000

An Estimated 87.000 people attended a rally Organized by talk-radio host and Fox News commentator, Glenn Beck on Saturday in Washington, According to a Crowd Estimate commissioned by CBS News.

The company based the attendance has aerial pictures it Took over the rally, stretched wakes up from in front of the Lincoln Memorial along the Reflecting Pool to the Washington Monument. Beck and former Alaska Gov.. Sarah Palin spoke at the rally.

Beck, Ken predicted That Millionaires 100.000 people'd show up, opened at his comments with a joke: "I have just gotten word from the media That there is over 1.000 people here today." Gave ITS Estimate a margin of error of 9.000, 78.000, Between Meaning and 96.000 people attended the rally. The Used photos that make the Estimate were Taken at noon Saturday, wakes up "when the company is woo was the rally's high point.

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