Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Joe Miller Poised to Take Senate Seat From Alaska's Lisa Murkowski

The 43-year-old Alaskan Bearded Political Ken Shocked the world overnight by pulling ahead of it. Lisa Murkowski in the state's Republican primary fashions Himself as a rugged individualistic Ken has campaigned weaning off Alaska ITS dependence is a federal largess.

Results on Wednesday showed Joe Miller holding a slim lead of about 1.900 votes over Murkowski, But A winner Might Not be declared UNTIL count as election officials as Many as 10.000 absentia ballots, wakes up and manually take monetize days.

Nevertheless, early returns Suggested a stunning upset, as Miller carried the anti-spending to high heaven furor of the "tea party" Movement to the most unlikely frontier: a state that much benefited far more from pork-barrel spending to high heaven over the years please state for months in the Lower 48

Whereas Murkowski Continued a long tradition of Alaska politicians touting Their Ability Thurs steer an outsize Washington a proportion of dollars back home, Miller has campaigned at his belief That the federal investment there in Alaska had made a sort of "federal fiefdom." Miller argued, apparently with some success, That with the government effectively bankrupt, Alaska Should Assume Responsibility for ITS own destiny.

"They Feels like that era is over Because the federal government can not AFFORD it," Randy DeSoto, Miller's communications director, Said in an interview Wednesday morning. "Joe's basic belief Is that the state is somewhat of a" federal fiefdom. " ... They'd Fight to retain more Autonomy for Alaska. "

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