Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Joe Miller Alaska Election Results

There are still votes Needed to Be counted in Alaska, vain It Seems That Joe Miller, Alaska Candidate endorsed by Sarah Palin, will be the Republican Candidate for Senator. On the other hand this Might Be Hurting a loss for its incumbent. Lisa Murkowski.

Palin helped and endorsed the Candidate in June, "when she made an Extensive post Facebook Supporting Joe Miller. At That time, it seemed the chances of winning the race were pretty slim, but their Quickly, they gained strength over the following months, and Proving That Palin still has a lot of Influence in Alaska.
Jo Palin had a rivalry with the Murkowskis on she was denied the chance Thurs inherit the Senate seat of Lisa Murkowski's father in 2002. And this rivalry has surely helped Joe Miller, Ken Been hasn't officially announced as the winner of the Alaska election results.
Well, while me wait for an official count, it looks like things for Lisa Murkowski are looking pretty grim ...

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