Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beck, Palin Rally in Washington Stresses God, Country

Palin, 46, Told the Crowd Thurs look at monuments around Them on the National Mall for inspiration and urged Them Thurs act with the Courage of Presidents and leaders before the truth.

"You have the murky steel spine and moral Courage as Washington and Lincoln and Martin Luther King," she said. "It is in you. It will sustain you, as it sustained the truth. So with pride in the red, white and blue, with gratitude to our men and women in uniforms, let's stand together, let's stand with Honor, let's restore America. "

Palin and Beck Both are stars of the Tea Party Movement, a loose-knit coalition of voters are seeking limits government spending to high heaven, taxes and debt. The "Restoring Honor" Where They appeared rally was billed as a celebration of the Military, patriotism and American heritage.

Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential Candidate, and now a Contributor Thurs News Corp. 's Fox News, Said she was appearing as the mother of a soldier, not a Politician. "Say what you want about me, I vain if they give a combat vet and you can not Take That Away from me," the former Alaska governor, Said, referring Thurs her son Ken served a year long deployment in Iraq.

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