Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Two Men Get Probation Over Oregano Fight

A fight in Lehigh Township over a deal with fake drugs and filched a Video Game System earned two men probation and a lecture from a judge.

Nathan Shiller of Moore Township and William F. Shelhamer II, of Northampton, both 20, took plea deals Monday in Which they admitted Thurs Misdemeanor charges in the March 8 beating.

''You-grown people were fighting over a toy,''said Northampton County President Judge FP Kimberly McFadden. ''Remember when you did that in kindergarten?''

Assistant District Attorney Richard Pepper said Shiller and Shelhamer had arranged a swap marijuana Thurs Thurs Richard L. Davis, 17, for a PlayStation. But they instead gave him oregano, leading to an argument and eventually a fight in a wooded area, "Pepper said.

Under the plea deal, admitted Shiller Thurs simple assault and an unrelated October 2008 marijuana possession charge in Nazareth. Shelhamer PLEADED guilty Thurs simple assault and attempted theft.

Each got 18 months of probation and 20 hours of community service from McFadden. She also ordered them to get drug and alcohol evaluations and underwent random drug testing.

Shiller and Shelhamer had faced charges that included robbery and aggravated assault, both of which can bring up to 20 years in prison. På bargain defending the plea, "Pepper said that the victim, Davis, first made up a story about Thurs police what happened that did not include the drug deal.

Three other men who came to the woods are also charged in the assault, and they were the ones who''beat''the Daylights out of Davis, "Pepper said. Shiller Shelhamer and tried to pull them off Davis, and the pair have agreed Thurs cooperate in the others' prosecution, "Pepper said.

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